Working with third parties to strengthen online safety.

The video game industry also partners with trusted third parties to facilitate information sharing and coordination to make the internet a better place. These groups bring together experts and stakeholders from across industries. They focus not just on video games but on a broad range of online activities and communities, as well.

Several of our members’ partnership work.

  • Partnerships & Collaborations

Activision Blizzard

Activision Blizzard has partnered with several notable organizations.

  • Partnerships & Collaborations

Nintendo/PlayStation/Xbox Collaboration

Our Shared Commitment to Safer Gaming sets forth a multidisciplinary approach and a set of principles to guide the shared priority of protecting players online.

  • Partnerships & Collaborations

Riot/Ubisoft Collaboration

Ubisoft and Riot announced a technological partnership through the “Zero Harm In Comms” research project.

  • Partnerships & Collaborations

The Entertainment Software Association

The ESA works to proactively build partnerships, educate third parties and promote collaboration.