ESA Foundation and EVERFI Team Up to Help Students Retain Math and Literacy Skills
LOS ANGELES - July 31, 2019 - Today, the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) Foundation and EVERFI are celebrating the impact of the Summer Slugger learning program, which was launched by Major League Baseball (MLB) and EVERFI.
ESA Comments to Department of Commerce on the State of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods Trafficking and Recommendations
July 29, 2019Filed electronically via; Docket No. 190703544-9544-01 Earl ComstockOffice of Policy and Strategic Planning Department of Commerce1401 Constitution Avenue, […]
#G4C2019: Video Games Can Change the World
This past June, the Entertainment Software Association sponsored and participated in the sixteenth annual Games for Change Festival in New […]
Listen: ESA President & CEO Stanley Pierre-Louis Talks Games on NPR’s 1A Podcast
On Tuesday, July 16, ESA President & CEO Stanley Pierre-Louis spoke on NPR's 1A podcast about video game upgrades, add-ons, and in-game purchases.
ESA Celebrates New CEO Stanley Pierre-Louis
Yesterday, friends and colleagues from across the District joined us in celebrating Stanley Pierre-Louis, the new President and CEO of the Entertainment Software Association. Members of Congress in attendance included Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senator Todd Young (R-IN), Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), and more.
Bringing Esports to Capitol Hill
On Wednesday, July 10, ESA hosted an esports event on Capitol Hill in conjunction with Future Forum.
#NationalVideoGameDay: Meet The Creators Of Some Of Your Favorite Video Games
At its core, the video game industry is centered around vibrantly creative people, who often can be overshadowed by their creations. Learn more about the creative minds behind Total War, Final Fantasy XIV, Kingdom Hearts, Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, and more.
Video Games & Tech: Moving Beyond Their Entertainment Roots
Video games moved beyond their roots as pure entertainment vehicles long ago. Today, several other industries have adopted core video game technology and adapted it to their own needs. In many cases, that's a game-like training device. In others, it's using the graphical advances game developers have pioneered in other forms of entertainment.
All The Right Moves
ESA Foundation scholar Roland Munguia is an aspiring video game designer who, along with his twin brother, is strategizing his […]
Family Game Night with ESRB Senior Vice President Bill Garrity
Learn more about why ESRB Senior Vice President Bill Garrity loves family game nights. "Playing together is quality time, full stop. We’re talking. We’re encouraging each other at times and competing at others. I’m sure I’ll miss it when they move out."
E3 2019 Highlights – Go Behind the Scenes at the World’s Premier Computer and Video Game Conference
Approximately 66,100 people attended the 2019 E3 Expo, which offered exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming game titles, celebrity appearances, and "breathtaking" moments.
ESA Comments to USTR on Proposed Tariffs on Imports in the Section 301 Investigation of China
June 17, 2019Filed electronically via, Docket No. USTR-2019-0004 Joseph BarloonGeneral CounselOffice of the United States Trade Representative 600 17th Street, NWWashington, […]