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  • Industry Updates

Putting Education Within Reach

November, otherwise known as National Scholarship Month, is the ideal time to celebrate the ESA Foundation’s scholarship program, which is helping to ensure higher-ed is not just a pipe dream.


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  • Press Releases

Video Game Industry Establishes Universal Esports Principles For Fun & Fair Play

Today, the video game industry, including representatives from across Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, released a unifying set of principles for esports engagement.


  • Statements and Filings

ESA Joins Other Associations in Filing Amicus Brief in Green vs. U.S. Department of Justice

Corporate Disclosure Statement  Pursuant to Circuit Rule 26.1, Amici Curiae state that they have no parent corporations and that no […]


  • Statements and Filings

ESA Comments to U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on the Disclosure of Information Regarding Abandoned Merchandise


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  • Press Releases

Mentored by Video Game Experts, D.C.-Area Students Bring New Games to Life at ESA Foundation and Amazon Games Hackathon

On Saturday, Oct. 19, Washington, D.C.-area high school and college students conceptualized and built new video game ideas during the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) Foundation's Lumberyard Hackathon, co-hosted with Amazon Games.


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  • Industry Updates

Keys to Learn: Unlocking the Power of Games with Ubisoft and Games for Change

On a cloudy morning in New York City last Thursday, a class of students from a local technology magnet school joined video game industry professionals, Games for Change staff, and experts from Ubisoft to experience some of the newest and most innovative educational games available.


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  • Industry Updates

A Recipe For Success

We can all use mentors, no matter who or what age we are. But on this, International Day of the […]


  • Statements and Filings

ESA Comments to Federal Trade Commission in Connection with “Inside the Game” Workshop

June 7, 2019 Ms. April TaborActing SecretaryFederal Trade CommissionOffice of the Secretary, Room H-113 (Annex E) 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NWWashington, […]


  • Events
  • Inclusion

Doing What They Love: ESA Foundation Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month, the ESA Foundation recognizes four of its scholarship winners already gracing video game communities with their distinct voices.


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  • Industry Updates

Learning Through Play: Using Games to Educate

It's clear that when learning becomes fun, people are quicker to engage and benefit.


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  • Press Releases

Internet and Video Game Industry Associations Respond to Today’s Net Neutrality Ruling

Internet Association (IA) and the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) reiterated their support for strong, enforceable net neutrality rules today, following the ruling in Mozilla v FCC.


  • Statements and Filings

ESA Comments to the U.S. Trade Representative on Notorious Markets

November 8, 2020 Filed electronically via www.regulations.gov, Docket No. USTR-2020-0035 Daniel LeeAssistant U.S. Trade Representative for Innovation and Intellectual Property Office […]


The Entertainment Software Association serves as the voice and advocate for the video game industry. Our mission is to help expand and protect the innovative and creative marketplace for creators and publishers in the United States.

Contact us

  • Year Founded
  • Location
    Washington, DC
  • No. of Members
  • President and CEO
    Stanley Pierre-Louis