Our Mission
To connect ESA members and communities, facilitate partnerships and amplify the social impact work of the industry to help create a welcoming place for players and makers.

Support educational opportunities for students through scholarships and further inspire young creators by funding organizations that provide STEAM programs to children and young adults.

Create a welcoming place for work and play by convening and supporting industry inclusion professionals and programming.

Amplify the social impact work of the video games industry.

ESA Foundation Scholarship alumna Angel Wylie has gone from animating indie video games to handling technical challenges for the triple-A Halo franchise. And she’s done so, in part, to honor her sibling.
What We Do

Invest in people who inspire others to generate new ideas.

Empower people to follow their passions and express their unique voices.

Encourage the next generation of innovators to challenge us to think and work differently.

Collaborate with partners who value creativity and invest in talented young people who, as future leaders, will make a difference.

You are invited to IMAGINE a brighter future with us.

Sue Madden
Sue has more than 20 years experience in nonprofit management, Corporate Social Responsibility, fundraising and grant-making. Sue barely knows the right way to hold a controller, but she is passionate about creating pathways and communities of belonging for under-represented creators, fair and equitable access and enabling safe and healthy spaces to enjoy entertainment.